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Flea Pest Control
Flea Extermination in Central Florida
Professional flea extermination, insect and bug control services in Orlando, Orange County, Kissimmee, Osceola County, Maitland, Longwood, Sanford, Seminole County, and the surrounding central Florida areas.
Contact us to speak with us at AWT Central Florida about your flea exterminator needs.
Fleas are the wingless insects with mouthparts adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood of mammals and birds. Fleas are external parasites, living by sucking the blood of its victims. Fleas have the distinction of being the world's second best long jumper based on the distance achieved in relation to its size. Fleas can jump over six feet to get to its next victim.
While we often associate fleas with house pets like dogs and cats, as mammals, humans are an acceptable substitute for a food source while the fleas search for a more accommodating living condition. Fleas can survive in our clothing, carpets, couches, beds, and other surfaces for various periods of time without a blood meal.
Flee eggs and larva are also able to survive while waiting to hatch or find an acceptable food source to help them mature and lay their own eggs.
Common Flea Hazards & Issues
To humans, the health hazards include irritating bites, rashes, and allergic reactions to the flee bites. For pets, if one flee is able to inflict hundreds of bites per day, an infestation may result in severe blood loss. Fleas may also transmit tapeworms that are harmful to your pet as well. Flea bites on pets also can result in irritating wounds and rashes, cause your pet to create open wounds that may become infected, your pet may experience mild to severe hair loss, and cause cases of severe dermatitis.
Flea infestations will never go away if not eradicated. The cycle of a flee infestation will only get worse, and can be extremely detrimental to your pets health. When you see a single flee or experience your first flea bite in your business, the first thing you should do is pick up the phone and call a professional flea exterminator and eradication expert at AWT Central Florida by clicking here.
Flea, Insect & Bug Extermination Specialist
Contact us for your flea extermination, insect and bug control service needs in Orlando, Orange County, Kissimmee, Osceola County, Maitland, Longwood, Sanford, Seminole County, and the surrounding central Florida areas.